A Dark Moon Prayer for Release
Originally published: 7/31/2019 on Weebly blog
We are in the time of the dark moon now, as the moon passes through the final shedding of its light, and becomes "empty." For the next two days it's a very good time to make prayers for newness, and your newness begins with cleansing old embedded patterns - with shedding.
We can cleanse or release old energy patterns embedded in us through meditation and therapy, but I am a fan of prayer. Prayer is not like meditation or therapy. It is a wholly different approach. Good prayer is also a meditation and a kind of therapy. Prayer can gets a bad rap from institutional religion when it urges you to mindlessly spout memorized magic words. Prayer also gets a bad rap from popular scientific culture which sees it as primitive wishful thinking - as pleading with a god who you don't really believe in until you're desperate. But I believe prayer helps the brain hit its inborn delete button.
Good prayer is honest and it comes from the heart. That's a deceptively simple sentence, so I want to type it again: Good prayer is honest and it comes from the heart.
Being honest - with others, but even more so with ourselves - is very difficult. If honesty was not difficult, we'd have a completely different human world. So when you get to the phrase in the prayer below, "I've been in the grip of powers," the hard part is actually admitting what powers are grasping you, what powers are filtering your experiences of life for you, what powers are making your decisions for you before you're even aware.
I hope this can help: it is said that "negative" emotions fit into five main flavors. Here they are:
Sadness • Self-critical thoughts • Pessimistic thoughts • Thoughts of loss or failure
Anxiety • Thoughts of something bad that could happen in the future • Thoughts of threat, risk or danger • What-if thoughts
Anger • “should” thoughts • Thoughts of having been harmed, having been treated unfairly • Thoughts of rules being broken
Guilt • Thoughts of having harmed someone • Thoughts of having done something that goes against your own morals • Sense of responsibility for a negative outcome
Shame/Embarrassment • Thoughts that other will judge flaws or mistakes in a negative way
Being honest with the "flavor" of the power gripping you is a good place to begin your prayer. Delving into the qualities of that "flavor" may help being some insight. For example, if I am honest, I find that I am not truly feeling anxious, as I thought I was - I'm feeling angry. I don't want to admit to being angry because I don't like to think I'm an angry person. The anger is because the situation I'm in is unfair - it didn't turn out like it "should" have. I can explore that "should" and I probably will find that I can let go of that "should." (And that's what I can ask Mother Moon to help me with.) Emotions often dress up first as other emotions to hide the truer emotion. So you can ask yourself if you really are feeling that particular emotion, or is it another one of the five. Sometimes your answer will be "I'm feeling them all!" But try to narrow down to one, just for the sake of the prayer. Well, all of this is just to help you be as honest as you can be.
One counterintuitive thing I've learned about being human that has really helped me: While most of my teaching is about "building your power," we build it by understanding that we can't manage human life on our own. We need bigger help. So we ask Spirit for help. Spirit is not the capricious father in the sky, but the living life force found in everything in nature. The living life force that is infused with wisdom from billions of years of being in the physical plane. How many times has the moon "renewed" itself? It's got this, and it's more than willing to help when the ask comes from the heart.
Prayer to the Dark Moon for Releasing
Feel free to adapt the prayer below in any way that makes sense to you. I like this way of making the prayer: read the prayer out loud three times. The first time quietly, the second time full voice and the third time silently. Open your heart center before making the prayer. You can actually put one hand over your heart and say "open" to that place before making the prayer. Give yourself time to truly open the heart before making the prayer.
Great Spirit, singer of the song of creation, imaginer of all that can be imagined, great mover of all possible futures, thank you.
Hear my prayer.
Beautiful Mother Moon, weaver of new dreams, repairer of the heart, singer of the songs of transformation, you teach us to go into the darkness again and again, to scour our heart and mind and body, and clean ourselves again and again of what is no longer good for us. You teach us that we are here to continually make ourselves new. Thank you, Mother of the stars, lover of the sun, sister of the wind.
Hear my prayer.
I've been in the grip of powers
For too long.
Powers that have held me back
Powers that try to convince me to be small, to be filled with doubt,
to be less loving and trusting than I know is possible.
But I was meant for more important things
Than spending my days fighting these voices of smallness.
I came into this life to be a representative of Spirit
in this world
A blessor of all life.
I am designed to live with bigger love, and fuller life
And with your help, I will do just that.
The time is now.
I am ready.
I am ready.
I am ready.
I turn to you now, Darkening Moon, and ask for your help in releasing old smallness, old poison, and needless energy patterns. As you darken, clean me and carry away into the dark those old energies, fears, wounds, limitations. Carry them down into the dark, take them away.
Dissolve all obstacles in me, felt or unfelt, known and unknown
that want to block power and abundance
from entering my life, my mind, my heart and my body.
Moon, help me shed any fear of power, fear of abundance, fear of love, fear of trust,
and help me shed any old voices and stories that tell me I do not deserve these things.
Open me, Moon, open me, and cleanse me.
Take the obstacles from me.
Take the false limitations form me.
And I make this promise to you:
I will do my part to accept the new power when it comes.
I thank you for your powerful support
Your power of opening a deeper existence
I know I am not alone in this work.
Moon, come now and help me with this intention.
Bring your help now.
I receive your help with joy.
(I recommend Jose Luis Steven's Book "Praying With Power. ")
We are in the time of the dark moon now, as the moon passes through the final shedding of its light, and becomes "empty." For the next two days it's a very good time to make prayers for newness, and your newness begins with cleansing old embedded patterns - with shedding.
We can cleanse or release old energy patterns embedded in us through meditation and therapy, but I am a fan of prayer. Prayer is not like meditation or therapy. It is a wholly different approach. Good prayer is also a meditation and a kind of therapy. Prayer can gets a bad rap from institutional religion when it urges you to mindlessly spout memorized magic words. Prayer also gets a bad rap from popular scientific culture which sees it as primitive wishful thinking - as pleading with a god who you don't really believe in until you're desperate. But I believe prayer helps the brain hit its inborn delete button.
Good prayer is honest and it comes from the heart. That's a deceptively simple sentence, so I want to type it again: Good prayer is honest and it comes from the heart.
Being honest - with others, but even more so with ourselves - is very difficult. If honesty was not difficult, we'd have a completely different human world. So when you get to the phrase in the prayer below, "I've been in the grip of powers," the hard part is actually admitting what powers are grasping you, what powers are filtering your experiences of life for you, what powers are making your decisions for you before you're even aware.
I hope this can help: it is said that "negative" emotions fit into five main flavors. Here they are:
Sadness • Self-critical thoughts • Pessimistic thoughts • Thoughts of loss or failure
Anxiety • Thoughts of something bad that could happen in the future • Thoughts of threat, risk or danger • What-if thoughts
Anger • “should” thoughts • Thoughts of having been harmed, having been treated unfairly • Thoughts of rules being broken
Guilt • Thoughts of having harmed someone • Thoughts of having done something that goes against your own morals • Sense of responsibility for a negative outcome
Shame/Embarrassment • Thoughts that other will judge flaws or mistakes in a negative way
Being honest with the "flavor" of the power gripping you is a good place to begin your prayer. Delving into the qualities of that "flavor" may help being some insight. For example, if I am honest, I find that I am not truly feeling anxious, as I thought I was - I'm feeling angry. I don't want to admit to being angry because I don't like to think I'm an angry person. The anger is because the situation I'm in is unfair - it didn't turn out like it "should" have. I can explore that "should" and I probably will find that I can let go of that "should." (And that's what I can ask Mother Moon to help me with.) Emotions often dress up first as other emotions to hide the truer emotion. So you can ask yourself if you really are feeling that particular emotion, or is it another one of the five. Sometimes your answer will be "I'm feeling them all!" But try to narrow down to one, just for the sake of the prayer. Well, all of this is just to help you be as honest as you can be.
One counterintuitive thing I've learned about being human that has really helped me: While most of my teaching is about "building your power," we build it by understanding that we can't manage human life on our own. We need bigger help. So we ask Spirit for help. Spirit is not the capricious father in the sky, but the living life force found in everything in nature. The living life force that is infused with wisdom from billions of years of being in the physical plane. How many times has the moon "renewed" itself? It's got this, and it's more than willing to help when the ask comes from the heart.
Prayer to the Dark Moon for Releasing
Feel free to adapt the prayer below in any way that makes sense to you. I like this way of making the prayer: read the prayer out loud three times. The first time quietly, the second time full voice and the third time silently. Open your heart center before making the prayer. You can actually put one hand over your heart and say "open" to that place before making the prayer. Give yourself time to truly open the heart before making the prayer.
Great Spirit, singer of the song of creation, imaginer of all that can be imagined, great mover of all possible futures, thank you.
Hear my prayer.
Beautiful Mother Moon, weaver of new dreams, repairer of the heart, singer of the songs of transformation, you teach us to go into the darkness again and again, to scour our heart and mind and body, and clean ourselves again and again of what is no longer good for us. You teach us that we are here to continually make ourselves new. Thank you, Mother of the stars, lover of the sun, sister of the wind.
Hear my prayer.
I've been in the grip of powers
For too long.
Powers that have held me back
Powers that try to convince me to be small, to be filled with doubt,
to be less loving and trusting than I know is possible.
But I was meant for more important things
Than spending my days fighting these voices of smallness.
I came into this life to be a representative of Spirit
in this world
A blessor of all life.
I am designed to live with bigger love, and fuller life
And with your help, I will do just that.
The time is now.
I am ready.
I am ready.
I am ready.
I turn to you now, Darkening Moon, and ask for your help in releasing old smallness, old poison, and needless energy patterns. As you darken, clean me and carry away into the dark those old energies, fears, wounds, limitations. Carry them down into the dark, take them away.
Dissolve all obstacles in me, felt or unfelt, known and unknown
that want to block power and abundance
from entering my life, my mind, my heart and my body.
Moon, help me shed any fear of power, fear of abundance, fear of love, fear of trust,
and help me shed any old voices and stories that tell me I do not deserve these things.
Open me, Moon, open me, and cleanse me.
Take the obstacles from me.
Take the false limitations form me.
And I make this promise to you:
I will do my part to accept the new power when it comes.
I thank you for your powerful support
Your power of opening a deeper existence
I know I am not alone in this work.
Moon, come now and help me with this intention.
Bring your help now.
I receive your help with joy.
(I recommend Jose Luis Steven's Book "Praying With Power. ")
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