Dear Drummers, Welcome Spring! Welcome drummers! If you have been saying, “Ah, man, I really want to get to one of those drumming groups,” this Friday is a perfect time. It’s going to be a fun, uplifting and blessing drum. I love the term you hear in Minnesota at mid-April: “ice-out.” It’s the point at which the lakes are finally free of winter ice. Or as some say, it’s the point at which the ice no longer blocks navigation. That is a wonderful spiritual image, for all spiritual work is about two things: removing blockages and courageously opening yourself to the heat of the life force. I’ve been fortunate to have been iced-in many times in my life - fortunate because it taught me how wonderful it is at ice-out. The drum is our warming deliverer of life force, the bringer of ice-out. I’ve been thinking about loneliness. I seem to come across a lot of articles about how lonely we all are, and many of them point to the proliferation of electronic devices in our lives as the root cause. T...
Showing posts from April 16, 2009