
Dear Drummers, Welcome one and all to the previously unscheduled drum, this Friday, April 29th in the basement womb of First Universalist Church in cosmically kinky uptown Minneapolis! Why the unscheduled drum? Because of the dream I had Monday night. I have kind of ritualized practice in terms of how I serve the Spirit and our drumming community. On the Monday before the next drum, I send prayers for the community out, and I send an open-ended question out to the otherworld “What do the people need from Friday’s drum?” Often a clear answer comes, often none at all, often blurry mixed messages that make me grumble and mutter all night long. Last Monday, with no drum this week, I had a powerful dream. I woke up with a clear message that what was needed this Friday was smudging (cleansing with aromatic smoke). The smudging has a clear purpose: to reshuffle inner energies so that you may trust your visions, trust your love, and trust your power. I waited for a couple of days to make sure ...