image: Digital Expressionism Dear Seekers, I’ve been asked many times to provide intensive shamanic training. I’ve been able to wrestle my schedule and create a four-month session, described below. The group will meet six times, but the bulk of your work will take place outside of those meetings, and will be created by you and me for your individual needs. My job will be to listen to where you are and what you want, and to find the right ways to move you to the next level. If you are interested in this, you’ll want to be available for these Saturday mornings: Feb 12, 26 March 12 April 2, 16 May 7 And you’ll want to contact me soon: The Next Level: Personal Shamanic Soulwork Beginning early February, meeting approximately twice per month on Saturday mornings through May 7. The Saturday meetings will be mini-workshops on a theme and will include shamanic journey work or ceremony and individualized consultation. You will begin by completing a questionnaire, ...
Showing posts from January 9, 2011