
Showing posts from September 22, 2010

Drumming This Friday and Saturday!

Two drums this week: Friday: First Universalist Church, 34th and Dupont, Uptown Mpls. Saturday: UU Church of Minnetonka 7-9:30ish each night. Dear Drummers, So we arrive at the autumnal equinox - the point in the sun's yearly rhythm where day and night are equally balanced, heading toward the dark time, toward to the winter solstice. The equinox is officially on Thursday, as is the full moon. The full moon will rise again on Friday at around 7:15, so we will be bathed in equinoxical moonshine as we drum together. This is the time of year when, in the Celtic wheel of the year, we move from the direction south, associated with bright summer, music, dancing and glee, toward the mythic west - the realm of water, destiny, faith, mystery, grieving, letting go. When we gather this Friday, we will celebrate the transition into early autumn, with at least one wild, whirling throb-groove, and at least one sonically wistful meander. I also hope to tell you a beautiful Irish story of the power